Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vivian Maier

A friend of mine who knows I love photography sent this link below to my facebook page- It definitely struck something in me. For the past 6 months or so, I have not felt compelled to go out and do any shooting whatsoever. Aside from shooting photography, I also write a great deal about my surroundings and where I am in my life. I literally have a library of entries. Yet just like I am having difficulty to go out and shoot, my pen has not made and entry in my "journal" in many months. I have completed a few portraits here and there, along with a few weddings- which of course I love. But it is not where my passion is.

When really thinking about it, it is obvious that Graduate School really played a role regarding the artistic block that I am experiencing. This story that I have posted inspires me to get back into documenting my world around me.

This story is about Vivian Maier a nanny/ photographer whose negatives were discovered by a curious buyer at an auction. When this discovery was made, it was apparent that this curious buyer had found something that was special and needed to be shared with the public. Her work, from what I saw is amazing. I will stop there and let the youtube post speak for itself.

I included a sideshow to really get more of a feel for her work.

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