Thursday, June 10, 2010

On my way!

Great news. I sold my first print. My customer asked for a 11x 14 print of the 'Birds of Paradise' of which is my understanding will be hung in their living room. It gives me so much joy to know that my work will displayed for many who visit them to see! It just goes to show how important it is for me to continue to post my work on my blog. Eventually I hope to have a website however at this stage I feel that I am needing to build more stock up. I do know however, that the sooner I get a website the sooner I can really get my name out there and present my work at shows, potential clientele, etc.

Having to have this print ordered was a great motivator to get out and see exactly where I should begin getting my prints at. I found Samy's Camera which is located on Chapala Street, just a block away from my work. the store itself is huge- has everything that I could possibly imagine or need to build up my business. My first experience of walking into Samy's was like being a child walking into a candy store for the first time. Please check out the link and see for yourself. I am so lucky to have the store right in town. Sometimes, I just go there and look around. The staff there are very helpful and friendly. In the front of the store there are work stations with scanners and computers to download your photos to get printed.

Once school finishes up, I will definitely look into classes that are offered at Samy's in LA to help my learn more about photography. I look forward to building a business on the side. I have been looking into ways to incorporate my career as a therapist with photography. With my clients permission and release to take their photos of their work, I have already taken photos of the work that my clients completed in session. I have had my clients complete collages and exercises which incorporate imagery and work with childhood fairytales. It amazes me the content that my clients have surfaced through these activities. Down the line, I hope to share some of their work in relation to demonstrating the powerfulness of Depth Psychology. Here, I hope to capture their journey with the use of photography. More will be revealed in due time!

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