Saturday, July 3, 2010

My New Tripod


Took a trip out to Samy's yesterday to take a look and price the tripods. I was amazed when I found this tripod on sale, a little over half off from the ones I had found online. I tried it out and hooked my camera to it and I was sold. I have been telling myself for months now to get a tripod however kept on putting it off. Yesterday I took care of all that. Bought my tripod as well as a shutter release. Along with that, I had also purchased a Polarizing Filter for landscapes as well as a UV filter.

I have been reading a great deal about Polarizing filters and how they can be used to enhance color saturation. I found it interesting how the effectiveness of the polarizing filter greatly depends on the location of the sun. I have noticed in a lot of my shots of landscape, particularly of the ocean where there is a reflection from the water. I look forward in going out to shoot this weekend. I have a few projects on my hands- just keep posted and I will eventually share about them in later blogs!

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