Monday, June 7, 2010

San Diego

This past weekend, I went to San Diego for the first time. The visit was to attend a conference in Coronado, CA which is located right next to San Diego. I was happy to be able to reconnect with a friend, Amy who lives in San Diego that I had met at Pacifica. I was so grateful that Amy was able to provide me with a room to stay in for the weekend. It was great to see her again! It had been over a year since I last saw her. It was a shot in the dark as far as where Amy lived in relation to where the conference took place but I happily discovered that her house was just a 10 minute drive to Lowes Hotel in Coronado.When we met up that first night in San Diego it was like no time had passed and we were able to pick up right where we last left off. My first night we went out to dinner and caught up. I like the energy and the feel of the city. Soon after I arrived, we walked about 5 blocks from her house and got some Mexican food, sat outside and had great conversation about life- past, present and future.

During my last session at Pacifica, I came to a realization that over the years, I had become accustomed to thinking in terms of limitation. I don't like that at all, however glad I saw that about myself. During class, I whispered over to my classmate that she needed to start paying attention to the professor and stop circling and highlighting away on something which was not class material. (all in fun) So then, after I picked on her, I finally asked, "whacha got going on over there?" My classmate told me- its a print out of all internships in California who are currently looking for interns to begin once we have our degree posted. Then like a ton of bricks, it hit me. I have been working on looking in the Santa Barbara area for a job that I have missed the whole picture. The whole picture is that I have all of California to choose from and consider.
Just knowing that allowed me to look at a my options at a larger scale. I became very excited and began my search throughout Cali. The one thing I know, is that I need to stay on the coast. I love the beach too much to head back inland. (I can't believe I am saying that- I use to not be a beach person at all, now I can't be without the waves and sand!)

I have been keeping my eye on San Francisco for some reason. I have some friends from Asheville and people who I had met in South America that currently live there. It's nice to know that I already have connections! The thing is, after being in San Diego, I felt something while I was there. It was beautiful! The nice thing is that it does not have to be limited to those two cities. I have some time now to really think about where I would like to go if anywhere. I have to follow my gut and go where my heart is telling me.

I love Santa Barbara. I have made some amazing friendships- I feel really grounded here- but based on location, I am not in love with the town. For all of my life I have lived in small towns. Don't get me wrong- small towns have a lot to say- like Asheville,NC for example- it's amazingly beautiful with its Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville has so much character and a lot going on downtown, especially in the summer months! For me, year after year the scene gets redundant- seeing the same thing over and over gets to me. Asheville, is by far one of the best places to live- by no means am I trying to put the city down at all! In fact, I highly recommend to visit Asheville, North Carolina!

I feel in my core that it is time for me to live in a big city. Well we will see! Home is where the heart is. It does not matter what the surroundings look like. Ultimately, contentment, love and all that creates happiness comes from within. I am however, at a point in my life that I am so grateful that I have the freedom and ability to go wherever I feel I want to go.

I look at my life map, of which I created a few months back- it was a cool activity to complete. Cali, Colombia- Elma, NY- Quito, Ecuador- Asheville, NC- Cusco, Peru- (stop back in Colombia)- back to Asheville, NC- now in Santa Barbara, CA. And everything that manifested itself in between. nothing happens without there being a reason- that I know for certain!

I am grateful for all the treasures that has been handed to me. Seeing it with my eyes wide open is so important. I am excited for what is to come. California thus far has been a healing experience, full of blossoming friendships, laughter (the kind that makes your sides ache) and wow- a true sense of freedom and vitality.

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