Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Troubadour Reunion, 2010

Carole King & James Taylor Troubadour Reunion
May 18, 2010- Santa Barbara Bowl

You've Got a Friend, Fire and Rain, Way Over Yonder, Carolina In My Mind, Home Again, It's too Late, Will You Love Me Tomorrow, etc etc. The show was absolutely fantastic! James Taylor and Carole King put on a great proformance. It was an outside venue, the weather held out for the show, Thank God. Listening to the many popular tunes of both James Taylor and Carol King, brought me back to when I moved to Asheville, NC. I was 23 years old, in my very first apartment in Asheville, there on Gracelyn Road- I recall after first moving into that apartment- the move from Buffalo to Asheville came suddenly, nonetheless very welcoming. Change was in the air- during that change, I found myself often listening to Carole King and James Taylor. I use to blare my CD player and sing as loud as I could to the many songs that always hit a cord in me. (I am sure my neighbors appreciated their new neighbor!) The tunes were more or less backgroud music part of the time but ultimately the lyrics of many of the songs put in motion the mood and emotions that I was feeling at the time. It was interesting as I sat watching and listening to the many songs performed tonight, I began feeling somewhat (for lack of better words) verklempt. It just made me recall the mixture of excitement and fear that surfaced when I had just moved to Asheville- curious to what I was going to see and do. Ultimately I was curious as to what was yet to develope in my life: ah, the great unknown. It occured to me tonight that I have come full circle. From Buffalo to Asheville to Cusco then, back to Asheville....Here I am, a decade later, all the way smack on the other side of the United States in Santa Barbara, California....I am right where I need to be and again, I am curious what all is yet to come. I have already done so much. My experiences in California thus far have left me feeling extremely grateful. A new chapter in my life emerges and takes form- and I welcome it with arms wide open.

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