Friday, April 16, 2010

Goleta Landscape

This morning I helped out a friend by taking her to her dentist appointment. It was in Goleta which is right North to Santa Barbara. On our way to her appointment, there was a incredible view of the clouds resting on the mountains just east of downtown Goleta. I of course took full advantage of capturing the beauty. It was so hard to go through all my shots, edit and pick out the ones that I liked the best.

I am finding so much joy of pursuing with my hobby of photography. Shooting really gets my mind focused and at ease. I love it! Thank you everyone who have emailed me with such great compliments about my work. It is strange, regardless of what compliments that have been made, I don't consider myself as a photographer but, why not, right! (TAKE THE COMPLIMENT CAROLINA!) I do plan to print and try to sell some of my work at the local art show in town. You just might never know, I may also one of these days enter my work in a local art competition in town. It's worth a shot!

Over the next couple of months I have some excursions planned for myself. Some work related and others just me taking a leisurely day with friends exploring. Regardless the reasons, I will be continue to document what all I see.

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