Friday, July 22, 2011

Update: I "Climbed the Canyons!"

Two weeks has passed since I partook in the bike trek. My world has been pretty hectic so I have not had the time to blog about my experience. I finally have space and time to write.

To begin with- Romma (my bike partner) and I texted each other the night before about what was to come. We both had spent the day relaxing at our homes, stayed off our bikes and saved our energy for the next day. Prior to ending our conversation, I made a confession to her that there could be a chance that I will not be making it the entire 30 miles- not that I wanted to be pessimistic but I just had to be honest. Aside from driving my jeep I don’t think I ever done anything for a consistent 30 miles.

The bike-a-thon began at Girsh Park in Goleta at 8am. We all did not leave the park till about 8:15am. We were given directions on a pocket sized piece of paper along with markers on the road that pointed us in the right direction. I amazed myself... Not only did I complete the trek but I really enjoyed it as well! The scenery was breathtaking and I enjoyed the challenge of completing the trek. Without a doubt, I would do another bike-a-thon. Romma shared with me that she was really proud of me….as was I! We kept up a good pace….ended the trek at about 11:45am. Yah for Romma and I—We did it!

Looking back, I do not know what I was thinking……after I finished I went to shoot a wedding. I committed to the trek then later was hired to shoot the wedding. I couldn’t back down on both- God forbid.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Climbing the Canyons!

Perhaps I’m just a glutton for a punishment….only time will tell.

My friend Romma and I are heading out tomorrow morning to Climb the Canyons--- all on my bike through Santa Barbara and Goleta. It’s a bike-a –thon that is happening to raise money for Alpha. A number of my residents at hillside house attend day program at Alpha so I felt it was only right for me to support the cause.

Yesterday I received my Alpha jersey; my first biking shift that I had ever owned can’t wait to sport it! I have been riding to work and going on various treks around town. I have been saving oodles on gas which has been just one of many pluses. Biking to and from work has been such a great way to begin and end my day.

Do wish me luck! After I finish this Trek- I am off to shoot a wedding. Since everything in town is so close by: it all is very doable. Only thing- I will need to rest up today, carbo-load this evening and take care of my body during the journey. Take a look at where all I will be heading! I can't wait!

Last but not least.....please donate and support Alpha Resource Center! We are the Hillside know, employees of Hillside House in support of Alpha. I suppose I should not hope to get voted as the best name for the duo Romma and I are! Photos to follow- Thanks for stopping by! More to come......