Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Exam

To begin with. I am so happy to announce that last week on the 25th, I passed my Final Exam at Pacifica Graduate Institute. I was well prepared for the exam. It was an oral exam where we had to answer a number of situational questions regarding Legal, Ethical and Diversity issues. I was given a Vignette which was presented 5 minutes before beginning to answer the list of questions. Later, I had to explain which theoretical orientation I plan on applying to the vignette. With that, I had to creat a service plan, listing the goals and interventions used to treat the symptoms this client is struggling with. Finally, I was asked about how Depth Psychology can help working with the vignette that was presented. There are a few other questions, however that is the gist. The oral exam itself lasted about an hour.

My exam was at 10am. We all had to check in at 9 which gave me just an hour to hold that nervous energy. I checked in to my professors. After doing so, I felt like I needed to move around. My classmates and I put some music on and got up and jumped and spun around the classroom. Some of my classmates didn't have their exam till later but wanted to cheer the rest of us on. At about 9:35, regardless of that nervous energy, I headed towards the exam room. I took some of my notes and study guides with me and waited. Finally the exam room opened...."Carolina?" I look over and said "Yes?!" the professor stated that she was ready and welcomed me to begin slightly early.

I walked in. Set my notes aside- This was not an open book or open notebook test so I had to hand over my notebook. I looked around the room and saw in the center of the small table, a microphone sitting there. I had to laugh inside over that. It reminded me of a radio show. TOO MUCH...WAY OVERBOARD. I mean I know that it was going to be recorded but thought that was over the top. My nerves rested and I was able to laugh at the situation I was in. Next, they turn on the 80's style tape recorder, and said my name- butchering it to pieces of course. (I corrected them) So I was given the vignette- I set it down next to me face down and begun creating a chart of all the topics I wanted to cover during the two and a half minutes I was given to answer each question. Then after I did that, I turned the vignette over to see what type of case that I will be working with. It was the type of case that my previous work in the field prepared me to be able to cover all that I needed to. My client was a 9 year old, Hispanic boy who was being abused by his great grandmother, CPS was informed and the case was transferred to me for individual/ family therapy. Right off the bat, I was dealing with diversity issues, child abuse and was unclear as to who the guardian was. I was on top of my game! I felt very confident and sure what all I wanted to include with each question. By 11am, I had found out I passed. The feedback was excellent. The positive feedback that I received gave the boost of confidence in knowing I am exactly in the right field of practice. I am meant to do exactly what I am doing.....There is no doubt of that!

If there was a day that I would redo over and over again, that would be it! Later after class let out, I met up with some of my friends and just celebrated this accomplishment! My favorite part was when I ran into some of my friends from my traineeship site. What are the odds, right? I was so ecstatic to share the good news....regardless, it is such a huge weight that has been lifted. I am all smiles!

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