Monday, March 29, 2010

Road Trip

From the very start, everything that happened was one laugh after another. We turned down my street and head on with the sun rays, which left us both completely blinded. Even with sun glasses I couldn't see but a few inches from my car. That blinding experience was a sign that we were going to embark on a trip that will leave us both with funny memories! It is amazing how strong the sun is out here! But finally we headed North away from the sun and headed down 101.

As we traveled on, we finally hit our final destination. At first we arrived to what Natasha thought as Cambria, which turned out to be San Luis Obispo. Seeing I had never been to any of these places, I didn't know the difference. From 101, we finally hit route 1. At the same time we hit this very cool town. It reminded me a lot of Asheville, NC. Natasha looked around and said..."We made it to Cambria" she went on saying how much the town grew. "Wow there is so much more here than I remember!" After following a detour through this mystery town (San Luis Obispo) Natasha then realized we were in the wrong town and continued with telling me that I will laugh at her because Cambria is extremely small- completely different from San Luis Obispo. I will definitely return to San Luis Obispo- Very much a hippy town-very artsy, with coffee shops, cool looking movie theaters and plenty of character!!

We made it!
Natasha, waiting patiently as I was taking some photos.
San Simeon, CA

Our first stop, about 15 minutes from Cambria was the Elephant Seal Reserve. They were just laying on the beach. You would think that some of them were not alive, but then every once in awhile the Seals will flip sand on themselves to keep cooled down. They were cute from afar. As cute as they looked, I would never encourage anyone to get too close to them. At the tip of their flippers are very long and sharp claws. As I watched them flip sand on themselves, you can see how strong they are and clearly how they can tear up anything that comes in their way.
This guy posed perfectly for the lens. He was looking right at me!
Almost human-like!

As we headed back to Cambria for a late lunch we walked down the board walk. We had perfect weather!
Cambria, CA

Morro Bay Beach

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