Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm back!

NO, I did not drop off the face of the earth. I guess I would call it a leave of absence from my Blog. Researching, writing and editing my thesis has been monopolizing my time and energy. That combined with work, travel out east for the Holiday's and trying to meet all the deadlines for all of the above has caused me to prioritize what needs to be done. Unforntunetly blog writing came last. The good news is that I have been just as busy working shooting portraits for clients. So it has been a roller-coaster to say the least!

The Christmas Holiday's have come and gone. For me, it went by way too quickly. I spent quality time with my niece, nephew and my parents which was most enjoyable. Watching movies, reality television and overall enjoying the time spent. Having this quality time with my family has been a long time coming. Blessings are opening right and left of me- for that, I am just taking it all in and feeling so grateful in the process.

Today being the last day of 2010, I walk through with great satisfaction. To start off, I handed in my thesis to both my editor and Thesis adviser. I am exactly on schedule and feel great about it. That, coupled with tomorrow being my Birthday- things just could be or get any better.

Tonight, spending time with close friends and cheering in the new year! Tomorrow- of course, a birthday party for me......You couldn't possibly think I would let the day go by without properly honoring yet another year of life! While it's hard being so far away from family, it gives me so much comfort to know that I am close to my "family" here in Santa Barbara.

So here's to 2011!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!!